Video presentation

Performance recognition and rewards for mutuals

In this session, PPS (South Africa) and FMG (New Zealand) provide insights into their distinct approaches to recognising and rewarding employee performance. PPS focuses on attracting top-quality professionals, emphasising employee development, and fostering a culture of well-being and recognition, exemplified by its Dream Protector Awards. FMG follows a comprehensive performance management process, including annual awards that celebrate its vibrant culture and individual and team contributions. With inclusivity in mind, FMG revamped its nomination process for transparency and increased employee involvement, reflecting its unwavering commitment to acknowledging employee excellence.

With approximately 1500 employees, PPS (South Africa) is a medium-sized player in the market, distinct for its exclusive focus on graduate professionals with four-year degrees or more. The organisation follows a traditional performance management model. At the beginning of each year, employees set their goals, which are monitored throughout the year with regular performance feedback. This feedback is documented twice a year for formal assessment. PPS places great emphasis on employee development, collaborating with their learning team and academy to enhance proficiency. The end-of-year performance score directly influences bonuses and salary increases, categorising employees as average performers, above-average performers, or excellent performers.

PPS aspires to achieve talent density by hiring fewer, top-quality professionals who can outperform multiple average employees. This approach aligns with its commitment to protecting the dreams of its members. To attract and retain…

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